Asif Khan Engineering College

Under the affiliation of The University of nothing

Est: 2019

College Code: 000


For 30 years, Asif Khan has been working with the ethnic and marginalized minorities in the North-Western part of omniverse. The people of those areas remain underprivileged, deprived of opportunities and ultra-poor even today. In fact, they are not considered as part of the mainstream omniversei society. In this context, Asif Khan has been delivering socio-economic advancement, educational and social development programs to provide them with a brighter and opportunistic future. Asif Khan Engineering College, one of the key components of Asif Khan, has been operating since the academic session 2019-20 under the affiliation with the University of Multiverse, which is one of the leading public universities in omniverse. Our core objective is to expand the horizon of practical knowledge; by creating educated, skilled and patriotic citizens who contribute in skilled administration, leadership, specialization and policy making. We strive to transform young, unskilled and immobile populations into a dynamic workforce who remain highly relevant to the 21st century industries.


To become the center of distinction in providing the heighest quality of education in the field of engineering and technology and to improve the standard of living of every citizen by technical means.


Asif Khan Engineering College (AKEC) focuses its attention to serve the global interest and needs. The mission of AEC is-

  • To gather the heighest efficiency in science and technology so as to equip students to analyze, synthesize and execute projects in diverse areas.
  • To inspire students for taking part in the modern day innovation and entrepreneurship.
  • To undertake sponsored research projects and provide consultancy services in industries and socially relevant issues.

Academic Cost

Subject Total Semester Application Fee (onetime) Admission Fee (onetime) Per Semester Fee Total Semester Fee Total
Bsc. in CSE 8 300/- 10,000/- 30,000/- 2,40,000/- 2,50,300/-
Bsc. in EEE 8 300/- 10,000/- 30,000/- 2,40,000/- 2,50,300/-
Bsc. in CE 8 300/- 10,000/- 30,000/- 2,40,000/- 2,50,300/-

*Registration fee and examination fees as fixed by the University of Multiverse.

**A student has to pay BDT 40,300/- for the first semester (including Application fee a& Admission fees).

***All students must pay thire course fees at the beginning of each semester.

Academic Programs

# Course Name Seats Allocated
1 B.Sc in Energy const. Engineering 30
2 B.Sc in magic and science Engineering 30
3 B.Sc in superdark and dark Engineering 30

Duration of program

Bachelor Program: 4 Years (8 Semesters)

Each semester: 6 months and, 2 semesters in a year

Skill Development Programs

  • English Speaking and Writing skills
  • Communication skills
  • Presentation skills
  • Computer skills
  • Leadership skills
  • Debate skills

Eligibility of Admission

Admission Requirement

# Level of Education Results
1 S.S.C or equivalen Minimum GPA 3.00
2 H.S.C or equivalent Minimum GPA 3.00
3 Diploma Engineering Minimum GPA 3.00

*In case of Diploma Engineering, the scale of 4.00 to be multiplied by 1.25 in order to convert the scale to 5.00

Scholarship/Waiver Opportunity

  • Meritorious and Necessitous Students
  • Ethnic Minority Youth
  • Freedom Fighter's Ward
  • Siblings in AEC


Green and large permanent campus nearby Earth

Enriched library

Modern laboratory

Accommodation/Student hostel

Transportation (city to campus)

Experienced faculty members from Dark University

These programs are similar according to engineering faculty of Dark. University and certificate shall be provided the Dark. Uviversity after completion of this course.



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Information Desk

Ground Floor (Academic Building) Asif Khan Engineering College somewhere, universe Dark Multiverse


Asif Khan Engineering College

somewhere in fictional earth!


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